Legal Services for Bankruptcy in Louisiana

Debt Relief Through Chapter 13 Or Chapter 7

We’re living through the most difficult economic conditions in decades. Every day, we meet people pushed deep into debt by layoffs, underemployment, medical bills, or relying on credit cards to make ends meet. Simon Fitzgerald LLC, the oldest bankruptcy law firm in Louisiana, is here to help.

We know you want to pay your debts. We know you have tried to keep up and hoped to get caught up. But we know that is not always possible, and you may be out of money and out of answers for a problem that’s only getting worse.

Are You Ready For A Fresh Start?

We invite you to a free initial consultation to explore your bankruptcy options and other debt relief solutions. Call us at 318-868-2600 (Shreveport / Monroe), 318-625-7505 (Alexandria) or 337-984-1584 (Lafayette / Lake Charles) to meet with an experienced lawyer at one of our convenient offices across Louisiana:

Shreveport / Monroe AlexandriaLafayette / Lake Charles

Free Case Evaluation

Exploring Your Louisiana Bankruptcy Options With A Firm That Knows The Law

Simon Fitzgerald LLC has practiced bankruptcy law in Louisiana for more than 50 years, and the origins of our firm trace back to 1907. Our highly experienced lawyers and qualified staff will do our best to answer all your questions and help you make the right decision:

  • A Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing, in most cases, provides you immediate relief from creditors and allows you to pay only that portion of your unsecured debt that you can afford over time. Secured debts such as vehicle loans can be modified, and the payment can usually be lowered.
  • Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy also, in most cases, provides immediate relief from creditors and allows you to eliminate (discharge) credit cards, medical bills, and any other unsecured debt.
  • Small-business bankruptcy filing: An individual or couple operating a business in their own name may have the option of filing a Chapter 13, Chapter 11, or Chapter 7. Corporations and LLCs generally only have the option of Chapter 11 or Chapter 7; however, in some circumstances, a Corporation or LLC can be dissolved or its assets purchased by the owner, making a Chapter 13 available. We can help you decide the best choice for your circumstances.
  • Alternative solutions: Can debt negotiation or loan modification get you back on track? We can discuss these alternatives with you.

Free Case Evaluation

Financial Relief/Peace Of Mind

Bankruptcy may not be a cure for all your problems, but it can bring practical financial relief and invaluable peace of mind. Perhaps most importantly, bankruptcy is sometimes the only certain way to stop property foreclosure or repossession, prevent wage garnishment, and put an end to creditor harassment.

Filing for bankruptcy is a big decision. We will take the time to:

You might be surprised by some of the famous Americans who have declared bankruptcy. Bankruptcy was written into federal law to give people like you a chance for a fresh start.

See our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Want to Estimate Your Credit Score?

Find out with our credit score calculator

Contact Louisiana’s Oldest Bankruptcy Law Firm

We invite you to arrange a consultation at one of our regional offices to determine the best option for your unique situation. If you file for Chapter 13, we can pay your court filing fees, and our attorney fees are paid over time. If you decide to retain us, the initial consultation services will be included in the fee quoted to you, which will be contained in a separate contract signed when you retain our office.

Free Case Evaluation

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.