Many Louisiana residents, like others throughout the nation, are currently wading their ways through some extremely turbulent financial waters. For some, things have merely gotten out of hand following a holiday shopping season, while others have been struggling to stay afloat for some time. There are also those whose problems arose when acute crises arose, such as urgent medical needs or sudden, unexpected job losses. Any of these situations may warrant a search for debt relief assistance although a recent situation calls to mind the importance of seeking support from valid sources.
A district attorney’s office in another state has filed a lawsuit against a particular debt relief firm. The lawsuit states that this agency committed false advertising in a scheme to get customers to turn to the company for debt reduction services. The lawsuit is seeking justice for thousands of consumers who were reportedly deceived by the fraudulent company.
The debt reduction service in question is based in Maryland. The company apparently sent advertisements designed to look like official government notices to more than 5,000 people via postal mail. The seals on the letters supposedly looked almost identical to the presidential seal.
The company has been formally charged with false advertising and unfair business practices. Louisiana residents currently considering tapping into debt relief assistance resources in their area will want to make certain they choose wisely. An experienced bankruptcy law attorney is a logical source to turn to when wanting to explore valid debt relief options and obtain help in determining which option is most viable in a particular situation.
Source: Reuters, “Maryland debt relief firm accused of posing as federal agency to market services,” Dena Aubin, Jan. 2, 2018