Louisiana residents are definitely not immune to financial challenges associated with medical debt. Most households, in fact, include one or more members who have obtained some form of medical care or treatment in the past several years. It is no secret how expensive medical care, products and devices are as well as how often such care prompts the need for immediate debt relief.
A senator in another state is trying to get the Medical Debt Relief Act passed. He and his co-sponsors recently reintroduced legislation that would require a 180-day waiting period before medical debt is added to a person’s credit report. The legislation is designed to amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
The proposed legislation would reportedly also ensure that paid-off or settled medical debts would be promptly removed from a person’s credit report. Medical expenses are often key factors in personal financial crises. Even those who consider their finances to be relatively stable can be thrown off course when unforeseen medical needs arise.
While many Louisiana readers may be glad to know that new legislation has been proposed to limit medical debt reporting and to help remove paid or settled medical debt from credit reports, some may currently be experiencing a more immediate need for debt relief. If so, they may find several options available by consulting with an experienced debt relief attorney. Solid solutions can often be found that not only provide immediate debt assistance but can help lay the groundwork for restored future financial stability as well.